Five reasons bad clients are good for us

This article is also posted on and can also be read there. I find people complain a lot about bad clients and how much they hate them (naturally). But instead of writing yet another one of those tired old posts that are so popular slating them and their inability to understand things that are…

Track outbound links for Google Analytics automatically

Place this code before the </body> tag and it’ll track all outbound links that aren’t part of your website. <script type=”text/javascript”> if (document.getElementsByTagName) { var ahrefs = document.getElementsByTagName(‘a’); for (var i=0; i<ahrefs.length;i++) { if (ahrefs.onclick = function () { var track = this.href + ”; urchinTracker (‘/outgoing/’+track.substring(7)); } } } } </script> Simply replace…

From PHP 4 to PHP 5.. PHP Fatal zlib error: imagepng()

Getting this error? PHP Fatal error: imagepng() : gd-png: fatal libpng error: zlib error in example.php on line 10 Fix it easily by changing your compression variable of imagepng, imagegif or imagejpg/imagejpeg into a 1-10 ranged number – instead of the PHP 4 1-100 standard. It should work smoothly now :)…

‘Call me on Skype’ link

I had to do some searching for this before I found it so I figured it may be of use to anyone else doing a search on how to do the same thing: <a href=”skype:username?call”>Call me on Skype!</a> Simply replace username with your Skype username and your done. If you would like to send people…