My five golden rules of freelancing

I find I come across a lot of freelancers who don’t enjoy their job as much as I enjoy mine. To help these guys in need of a morale booster I thought I would share the rules that I like to put in place whilst freelancing in order to benefit future and current freelancers experiencing…

Locking and password protecting your Mac whilst you are away

I recently found a small annoyance with my iMac in that I wanted to lock my Mac whilst I was away from it and/or not using it whilst keeping all my programs running in the background. This is of course great for keeping things like Mail downloading whilst your away, which keeps things running smoothly…

Ten things you hope the client never says

Working from home as a full-time freelance web developer I’ve encountered some absolutely stunning lines from clients and so have friends of mine. This is a small collection of those lines to watch out for if you choose to go into the field yourself. 1. If you do this one for free… This has to…

Five reasons bad clients are good for us

This article is also posted on and can also be read there. I find people complain a lot about bad clients and how much they hate them (naturally). But instead of writing yet another one of those tired old posts that are so popular slating them and their inability to understand things that are…

More things to consider whilst running a tutorial orientated website

This article is an expansion from a previous article entitled: “What I learned from failure, an extensive article on things to consider whilst running a tutorial orientated website“. These are things that I have learnt from running Twodded, a ‘quality tutorials’ section of the Pixel2life tutorial listing, which recently was declared dead. Several points have…